
Woodland Owners Can Learn About Selling Their Timber

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Southeast Ohio woodland owners will soon have the chance to learn about selling their timber.

The Ohio State University extension office in Marietta will hold a  timber marketing meeting later this month.

Dean Sinclair, of the Washington Soil and Water Conservation District, says woodland owners should attend the meeting because they will receive useful information on choosing which trees to sell.

"It will help with deciding what trees to harvest, it will give them best management practices, it will help them with the timber harvesting plan, give them some background and some help on developing contracts with logging companies, it will touch on the timber tax law, things like that," said Sinclair.

The meeting will have several speakers including Natural Resources Specialist Dave Apsley, OSU Extension Specialist Eric McConnell, and Ohio Department of Natural Resources Forester Stephen Rist.

It will be held February 27 from 7 to 9 p.m.