
Flags Placed In Honor Of 9/11 Anniversary

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Ohio University College Republicans are marking the 12th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks with a poignant visual display in honor of those that lost their lives.

The group set up roughly 3,000 American flags in the ground in front of the Templeton-Blackburn Memorial Auditorium.

“We have people here from the moment we put them up to the moment we take them down,” OU senior Michelle Koren said. “It’s just in honor of the people we lost and just in remembrance of them.”

Koren said she was in 4th grade in 2001 and remembers that day like it was yesterday.

“We came back from recess I think and our teacher told us about it,“ Koren said. “We had journals that we wrote in and I have that journal still which is kind of crazy to think about.”

The flags were displayed until 4:30 Wednesday afternoon.