
Meigs Community Members Participate in Anti-bullying Campaign

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"My codes may seem like a fantasy that can never be reached, but test them for yourself and see the kind of effect  they have in the lives of the people around you. You may just start a chain reaction." Those words were written in Rachel Joy Scott's diary.

Rachel Scott was killed 14 years ago in the Colorado school shooting at Columbine high school, and today her words still live on.

Rachel's Challenge speaker, Aaron Kinebrew hopes to start a chain reaction in Meigs County.

Thursday morning, Kinebrew spoke to middle and high school students, and last night he spread that same message to adults.

"Spreading love and kindness and compassion, that was something I wanted to be a part of. To help spread this message throughout the United States and even the world so that right there got my heart," said Kinebrew.

Hundreds of teachers, parents and community members say in silence while images of the Columbine shooting flashed on the screen before them.

They were told of Rachel's story and asked to participate in a challenge focused on ending bullying and spreading kindness.

 Students and community members were encouraged to sign this banner, its the first step in completing Rachel's challenge.

For Dreama English-Smith, the presentation was tough to sit through.

The Meigs middle school track coach and mother of two said she fears an event like Columbine could happen anywhere.

"I'm hoping and praying that this is an eye-opener because we may live in a small town but things happen," said Smith.

"Hopefully, the information that people receive, not just hear it with their ears but actually implement it with their heart," said Kineworth.

Community officials say it was important to get parents and other community members involved in the hopes that they too can teach their children to make friends, rather than enemies.

If you're interested in bringing Rachel's Challenge to your community or school, Kineworth says you can visit www.rachelschallenge.org.