Ohio University Football Team Recognized At Statehouse
By: Cheri Russo
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Ohio University's football team has a new accomplishment to add to its list this year. It has been recognized by the Ohio Senate for its great football season.
The team was recognized on the senate floor today by Republican 20th District State Senator Troy Balderson for winning its first-ever bowl game.
The Bobcats beat Utah State in the "Famous Idaho Potato Bowl" by a score of 24-23.
President Roderick McDavis, Athletic Direcor Jim Schaus, Head Coach Frank Solich and four members of the team, including Quaterback Tyler Tettleton, were on hand for the presentation of the resolution recognizing the team.
This was O.U.'s first 10 win season since 1968 and the Bobcats had the most wins of any Division-1-A program in the state of Ohio this past season.
"We're extremely proud of these great young men, who not only excel on the football field, but they also excel in the classroom," says McDavis.
You can watch the video of the presentation above.
It starts at 2:57 on the timeline.