Red Cross Reaches Out To Flood Victims
< < Back toThe Red Cross is stepping in to help residents in Athens and Vinton County affected by heavy rains and flooding last week.
A flood that rushed through the region last Friday forced left several people out of their homes.
Victims of the flooding met with Red Cross officials in McArthur Tuesday.
"Water just came up quick. So quick we just didn't realize it. We lost clothes, animal toys, we were lucky to save the furniture," said William Stenger, whose fiancee and mother were also displaced from the apartment they shared with him.
As bad as many say it is, the cost rates per capita are not high enough to constitute a disaster, said Vinton County Emergency Management Agency Director Jayson Potts.
"Unfortunately, personal property like your bedroom suits, your living room suits, your clothing, things like that, doesn't count toward the assessment I do. That's an un-eligible cost when it comes to FEMA. They only look at structures," said Potts.
As with most flooding, the major concern for residents was that mold and animal life will create unsanitary conditions.
Many of those displaced from houses are living with relatives while those whose apartments flooded have been shifted to previously vacant rentals.
"The Red Cross will help with food, shelter, and clothing," said Sharon Horel, a Red Cross volunteer.
Horel says additional assistance will be available as people find other accommodations. She encourages community members who were not affected by the flooding to help out those who are.
"They can donate money. That can go to the Athens chapter or they can donate online," said Horel.
Red Cross is funded by donations and offers support to flood victims at no charge.
Victims are urged to call the Athens chapter of the Red Cross at 740-593-5273 or schedule an assessment of home damage by calling the Vinton County Sheriff's office at 740-596-5242.