
Athens County Fracking Committee Decides on Recommendations

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Recommendations have been made on issues related to Horizontal Hydraulic Fracturing.

In a meeting last(Wednesday) night, members of the Athens County Strategic Advisory Committee on Horizontal Hydraulic Fracturing decided on several recommendations for fracking problems in Ohio.

Al Blazevicius, the committee chair, said they support various things in Senate Bill 315 as well as recommend some modifications and other bills that should be included in SB 315.

Also, the committee wants to document the number of trucks using the injection wells and establish a road use maintenance agreement with the injection well companies.

He also said the Wayne National Forest is not a threat for fracking at this time.

Blazevicius will take the recommendations in front of the Athens County Commissioners next week and believes they will be approved.

"I'm highly optimistic," said Blazevicius. "I think we've come up with a set of recommendations that was agreed to by our committee that I think are very reasonable and practical approaches that are consistent with what the industry is saying are best management practices and we think that's got a good chance of being approved."

The meeting will be held next Tuesday at 10:30 am. If they are approved, the recommendations will go to the Ohio House and Senate to be approved.