West Portsmouth Pill Mill Pair Face 20 Years In Prison
By: Taylor Pool, WOUB Staff Writer
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A couple accused of running a pill mill in southeast Ohio was found guilty Tuesday.
According to information from U.S. District Court., Nancy and Lester Sadler, of West Portsmouth, operated a pain clinic in Pike County.
Testimony presented during the trial proved that the clinic operated as a "pill mill" by selling prescriptions for controlled substances like oxycodone without a legitimate medical need.
A jury found the couple guilty of conspiracy and running the clinic for the purpose of selling drugs.
Testimony was presented during the trial that the clinic was usually open three or four days per week and charged between $125 and $180 for a visit.
Witnesses testified that the customers received no genuine examination by a physician.
Nancy Lester also was found guilty of wire fraud and money laundering.
The government is seeking forfeiture of $1.8 million based on testimony presented during the trial that the Sadlers were making $900,000 a year at the clinic.
Both face at least 20 years in prison.