Tri-County Adult Career Center and Hocking College collaborate to create business friendly training site
By: Sara Vallone
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The Tri-County Adult Career Center and Hocking College are collaborating on a project to create business-friendly training sites for local ventures.
The Appalachian Regional Commission has awarded the organizations 250,000 dollars in grant money to use toward the project.
Director of Tri-County Kim McKinley say the money will be spent primarily on equipment.
"I'll be training facilities, all the high-tech gagets we can buy with 250,000 dollars and roughly another 60,000 dollar match money from my institution and Hocking College. So it's about 312,000 dollars that will be spend on equipment."
McKinley says the project will allow area businesses to have permanent training sites available to them without have to rent out classroom labs or other spaces.
"We look at this business training side as a really nice took for business attraction to our area, for retention of businesses, growth of businesses. This is going to be a really attractive piece to say that we have a training center that set up specifically for business and industry."
The two organizations have been partners before and are continuing to work together on this project, McKinley says, to keep one face for the community.