OU Student Art Exhibition Explores Loss, Redemption
By: Claire Berlin
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The Ohio University School of Art is hosting The Promise, an MFA Thesis Exhibit by Rebecca Holbrook, in the Ohio University Art Gallery, located in Siegfred Hall.
The Promise chronicles the July 2011 road trip that Holbrook took to be present with her grandfather at the time of his death, which occurred less than 24 hours after departing from home.
Separated into literal chapters of text and photographs that represent an infinite, yet accelerated and omni-directional sense of time, The Promise explores ideas concerning loss and redemption.
Similar to Holbrook’s other works, this thesis exhibition presents a long-term contemporary commentary that examines and investigates Appalachia as a place embedded in familial history.
This work also actively engages the use of the archive as a means of collection—further depicting the importance of time and the simultaneous involvement and reenactment of past, present and future.
The Promise exists as a 202-page, self-produced artist book and will be presented in the Ohio University Art Gallery in this format. These first-edition books will be available for viewing throughout the duration of the exhibition.
The exhibit, which runs March 12 through March 16, is free and open to the public. For details, visit