Jackie O’s Seasonal Ale Expected To Be Ready For Sale Next Week
By: Atish Baidya
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With the reopening of the federal government Jackie O’s Brewery says it expects to start shipping new product held in limbo next week.
Eighty kegs of the brewery’s seasonal Barking Pumpkin ale were waiting on a certificate of label approval (COLA) by the U.S. Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau (TTB) before the product could be sold. The company faced a potential $10,000 loss if it was unable to sell the seasonal brew within a specific time frame.
Brew master Brad Clark said he’s confident the ale will sell.
“The pumpkin ale would have been sold out by now if not for the shutdown,” Clark said. “It will roll right out around Halloween and sell out then.”
Clark also said the shutdown has changed how he deals with applying for COLAs from the TTB.
“I have learned to be a bit more proactive on registering products ASAP,” he said.