Attorney General’s Office Issues Subpoena For TV Footage In Kelly Case
By: Athens Messenger staff reports
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The attorney general’s office has issued a subpoena for television news footage associated with the criminal case against Athens County Sheriff Patrick Kelly.
The subpoena, issued Friday, seeks raw video and audio from a Feb. 11 report about the case that aired on 10 TV in Columbus. It instructs WBNS news director Elbert Tucker to provide the material to a special agent of the Ohio Bureau of Criminal Identification and Investigation.
Tucker, who had not yet been served with the subpoena, said Friday he will consult with the station’s legal counsel before deciding how to respond to the subpoena.
According to the subpoena, the news piece was conducted by anchorman Paul Aker and made reference to interviews with McKee’s scrapyard and Pearl Graham.
Kelly was indicted Jan. 31 on 25 counts, including a felony charge of engaging in a pattern of corrupt activity. That count of the indictment claims that Graham and McKee’s scrapyard were members of the criminal enterprise that aided Kelly in the alleged corrupt activity. Specifically, the indictment alleges that Kelly sold county property at McKee’s with the assistance of Graham. No charges have been filed against Graham, nor anyone associated with McKee’s, in connection with the Kelly case.
Kelly has pleaded innocent to all 25 counts.