Under The Elms May Have Different Location This Summer
By: Sara Brumfield | Athens Messenger
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With significant work being done on Ohio University buildings and grounds this summer, some events on the College Green may need to find alternate locations — in particular, the Concert Under the Elms series.
During an Ohio University facilities conference call with media, Harry Wyatt, associate vice president for architecture, design and construction, said there is lots of work planned around the College Green area this summer.
He said some of the work could impact some summer events.
Wyatt said some of the projects on campus include renovations to Tupper Hall to the east of the College Green and Lindley Hall to the west.
A chilled water system will be installed at Tupper, requiring periodic road closures on University Terrace, beginning near the top of Jeff Hill.
There will also be some wood trim work done on the three oldest buildings at the heart of the College Green: Cutler Hall, Wilson Hall and McGuffey Hall.
Ohio University will be rehabilitating the alumni gate (the entrance to the College Green across from the Schoonover Center), which will include the installation of an accessible ramp.
Wyatt said the main brick walkway to Cutler Hall will also be reworked. The brickwork will require the relocation of a lamppost and a dogwood tree.
One of the sweet gum trees will also be removed from the Green.
Wyatt said the end goal is that students will return in the fall and not be able to notice significant changes on the College Green.
“We’re very proud of this green and we need to take care of it,” Wyatt said.
OU’s facilities department will also be going underground to do some utility tunnel repairs this summer under Mulberry Street and Park Place. Wyatt said that East Mulberry Street is expected to be closed after OU’s commencement through the end of September.
The north lane of Park Place is anticipated to be closed to traffic from June-November.
Other projects include roof replacement at Templeton-Blackburn Alumni Memorial Auditorium, tile replacement on Scripps Hall, and several elevator projects in various buildings.
Wyatt said the university is working closely with the city of Athens to reroute traffic when necessary and provide information to the public.
He added that his department has coordinated with the university’s events planning to not be too disruptive to events while still getting the work complete.
The Concert Under the Elms series is a free orchestra outdoor concert series that has been held on the College Green near the Templeton-Blackburn Alumni Memorial Auditorium’s West Portico. In the past, the event has been held on Wednesday evenings.
Wyatt said some of the concerts — if not all — will have to find a new location this summer.
One possible location he cited is the Tailgreat Park near the Convocation Center.
He said details had not been finalized to his knowledge.
A representative from the College of Fine Arts could not be reached for comment before The Messenger’s news deadline.