A Criminal Offers Safety Lessons To Crowd At Community Center
By: WOUB Staff Writer
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A spate of burglaries in Athens since the end of April prompted a crowd to turn out at the Athens Community Center Tuesday night to learn how to protect themselves – from a career criminal.
David Leffingwell spent more than half his life in and out of prison beginning with a bank robbery at 15.
As part of his last sentencing he agreed to offer his criminal expertise to prevent such crimes.
"The people I've hurt in my life. I'll never get a chance to apologize to them. It's been so many years ago but I can give back to Athens," Leffingwell said.
And some of that advice includes making your home less attractive to burglars.
A well kept yard, locked doors, cameras – even fake ones – can cause a would-be burglar to move on. Even what you keep in your refrigerator can help a burglar.
"If I go into your house, I'm going straight to your refrigerator, if I see T-bone steaks, all kinds of meat, I know you got some money in the house," he said.
The Athens County Property Crimes Task Force is part of Prosecutor Keller Blackburn's Community Justice Initiative.