
Quilt National Jurors Honored In Dairy Barn’s “Quilt (R)Evolution” Exhibit
< < Back toThe Dairy Barn Arts Center has announced the opening of Quilt (R)Evolution: An Art Quilt Retrospective 1979-2014, an exhibition that celebrates artists who have served as Quilt National Jurors from 1979 to the present.
An opening reception will be held Friday, Sept. 19 from 5-7 p.m. A Gallery Walk featuring attending artists is scheduled for Saturday, Sept. 20 at 10 a.m., followed by the exhibit’s public opening at noon.
Quilt (R)Evolution: Art Quilt Retrospective 1979-2014 will be the last exhibition of 2014 celebrating The Dairy Barn Arts Center’s 35th Anniversary and the 100th birthday of the barn.
The inspiration for this exhibit was to celebrate the evolution of the art quilt over the life span of Quilt National (first presented in 1979) and provide the viewer with a retrospective (and contemporary) view of the works of some of the medium’s most prestigious quilters who have served as Quilt National jurors for the 19 biennial Quilt National exhibitions.
The pieces will include a selection from the artists’ earliest works, a piece representative of the the period in which they were asked to serve as a Quilt National Juror, and a current work.
There have been 34 individual artist jurors throughout the years. Twenty-eight jurors will be represented in the retrospective exhibition.
“We are pleased to open Quilt (R)Evolution,” said Jane Forrest Redfern, executive director of The Dairy Barn Arts Center. “These artists have demonstrated through their works the true evolution of this genre over the last 35 years. We are pleased that they have shared their works with us to celebrate this great institution’s 100th birthday and these works of art with the public.”
The exhibition will run through Saturday, Nov. 22. An online gallery is available at
Quilt (R)evolution artists and sponsors
Liz Axford
Michael James
Sue Benner
Ann Johnston
Judi Warren Blaydon
Gerhardt Knodel
Tafi Brown
Linda R. MacDonald
Elizabeth Busch
Terrie Hancock Mangat
Linda Colsh
Katie Pasquini Masopust
Judith Content
Eleanor McCain
Nancy Crow
Jan Myers-Newbury
Rosalie Dace
Paula Nadelstern
Chris Wolf Edmonds
Miriam Nathan-Roberts
Caryl Bryer Fallert
Yvonne Porcella
Nancy Halpern
Arturo Alonzo Sandoval
Tim Harding
Joan Schulze
Wendy Huhn
Nelda Warkentin
Sponsors include Friends of Fiber Arts International, and a gift from Jack Walsh and and Martha Pierce