
Hunters Take More Than 182,000 Deer In 2016-2017 Ohio Season
By: Associated Press
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COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) – Hunters took more than 182,000 deer throughout the 2016-2017 hunting season in Ohio.
The state’s Department of Natural Resources says the total number of deer checked was less than the more than 188,000 deer checked in the 2015-2016 season.
The department says the goal of the state’s deer management program is to provide a deer population that maximizes recreational opportunities, while minimizing conflicts with landowners and motorists.
Deer hunting regulations over the past two seasons have been designed to allow for moderate herd growth throughout most of the state. Officials say herd growth is achieved by reducing the harvest and protecting female deer.
State officials say Ohio ranks fifth nationally in resident hunters and 11th in the number of jobs associated with hunting-related industries.