
Ohio House Declines to Override Gov. Kasich’s Medicaid Veto

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Update 12:00 p.m.

COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) – The Ohio House has declined to call a vote to override Gov. John Kasich’s veto protecting Medicaid expansion.

Speaker Cliff Rosenberger said his chamber opted Thursday to give time for the health care debate to progress in Washington before acting. He said the Republican-controlled chamber had the 60 votes it would have needed.

The Republican governor vetoed a budget provision Friday that ordered him to seek federal permission to suspend enrollment under the expansion beginning July 1, 2018, and to prevent those who drop out of the health care program from re-enrolling.

Rosenberger said the House has until December 2018 to act.

The Kasich administration had estimated that 500,000 low-income Ohioans would lose health coverage within 18 months of a Medicaid freeze.

COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) – The future of Ohio’s Medicaid expansion is in limbo as lawmakers weigh a veto override and expansion supporters work to stop them.

Republican Gov. John Kasich vetoed a budget provision Friday that calls for freezing new expansion enrollment starting July 1, 2018, and preventing those who drop off the program from re-enrolling.

The Kasich administration estimated 500,000 low-income adults would lose coverage within the first 18 months of the freeze.

The Republican-led Legislature supports reining in Medicaid spending as it threatens to consume Ohio’s budget.

Hundreds of people rallied at the Statehouse Wednesday to defend the expansion. Protesters included health care professionals, community activists, faith leaders and consumer advocates.

House Republicans were to meet Wednesday to determine if they have the votes to proceed.