
Gearing Up For Frack Fight, Ohio Residents Turn To PA Experts

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After forty years, Kerri and Jeff Bond are moving from their small farm in Seneca Lake, Ohio. The rural hillsides have changed in recent years. The trees in their yard started to lose foliage and die last year. Their sheep, chickens and cats died, and their dogs developed tumors. The Bonds, themselves, say their family has developed ongoing rashes.

“We’ve never had any of this before, ever,” Kerri Bond says. “And we’ve lived area our whole lives. We wanted to retire here. We can’t. We’ve got to move.”

From the air, you can see how a fracking operation sits in the middle of small farms in rural Ohio. (Julie Grant)

Bond was one of about forty people who gathered recently at Salt Fork State Park in eastern Ohio for a meeting organized and funded by the Freshwater Accountability Project. It was an opportunity for residents to voice their concerns, and to hear from experts about the environmental, legal, and health issues of fracking.

Environmental activist Teresa Mills says people like Bond aren’t getting assistance from Ohio officials…

You can read and hear the full story here at