
Folk and Fae Headed to Jackson’s Inaugural Cenedl Faire Aug. 17-18

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Friday, August 17 through Saturday, August 18 will mark the inaugural Cenedl Faire at Jackson’s Markay Cultural Arts Center (269 East Main Street, Jackson, OH), a celebration of Jackson’s rich Welsh heritage, as well as a fun foray into the world of medieval fantasy.

The event features everything from Gregorian chants, a screening of Monty Python’s 1975 comedy classic Monty Python and the Holy Grail, hobgoblins, local food vendors and much more.

Listen to WOUB’s interview with Carma Baker, the Director of Operations at the Markay Cultural Arts Center, about the event embedded above, and take a look at the schedule below. Watch for updates on the event’s Facebook page, as well.

Friday, August 17
– 5:30 p.m. – Free, traditional screening of Monty Python and the Holy Grail
– 7 p.m. (or thereabouts) Friar Finnegan will be the official first act of the Cenedl Faire, giving attendees a taste of what Saturday, August 18 will hold
– Evening screening of Monty Python and the Holy Grail “with special friends”

Saturday, August 18
– An opening ceremony will await, where you’ll meet an especially royal guest who just happens to be passing through the area!
– From there, visit Gwell Na Mill village and see all the wares and fine crafts there is to offer while you have a taste of the ale and a bite of beast.
– Take a walk back in time in the Markay’s gallery, where you can see an array of people from across the world who made a significant impact on our life as we know it.
-In the Markay theater there will be a full day of funny and talented performers who will amuse and amaze.

Please come help us make this an event to remember!
Admission: Adults 12+ – $8; children ages 3-12 – $4; children under 3 – Free

Tickets available now at