White House Official From Cleveland Lays Out Trump’s Pitch To Black Voters
By: Andy Chow | Statehouse News Bureau
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During the final night of the Republican National Convention, President Donald Trump’s deputy assistant Ja’Ron Smith told the national audience that his Cleveland roots are part of his value system and that Trump has been fighting hard for the issues that matter to Black people

Ja’Ron Smith works on urban affairs and revitalization issues at the White House. During the Republican National Convention he laid out a case for why black voters should support Trump.
“Every issue important to Black communities has been a priority to him, prison reform, rebuilding broken families, bringing jobs back to America,” says Smith.
Smith, who grew up in Cleveland before attending Howard University, said his parents had strong values and helped him take education seriously.
On issues of racial justice and police reform, Smith said Trump believes communities need police departments with the highest standards.
“I’ll never forget Strandhill Road, or the people of Cleveland. They’re tough, smart, and tell it like it is. That’s President Trump. For a New Yorker, he’s got a lot of Cleveland heart,” says Smith.
Democrats have accused Trump of creating divisions that end up stocking racial tensions.