
Estimate - An approximation of an answer or measurement.

- A plane figure formed by two rays having a common endpoint.

Reminder: The military, emergency services, and hospitals express military time without the colon and add 'hour' afterward. Science and engineering circles usually insert a colon between the hours and minutes.

Before Viewing
After Viewing
Extended Activities
Web Quests
Math Standards
The Amazing Chase Changing Spaces Elimidata Fear Fraction The Simplified Life Business Makeover Survival The Ohiobournes
  Web Quests  

"Which Way Is North?"
Orienteering: Finding Your Way Around

Develop skills in understanding location by exploring a variety of unique geological formations using panoramas and topographic maps.

"Aerodynamic Adventure"
Activities for a Simulation about Plane Flight and Math

Assist Amelia Earhart and Fred Noonan in a successful completion of their flight.

"Mathematics of Cartography"
Exploring the Relationship Between Math and Maps
by Cynthia Lanius

This site focuses on orienteering. It incorporates problem-solving, measurement, scale (ratios and proportions), coordinate plane, and slopes of lines. It also provides a list of related careers, teacher notes, and peripheral web resources.