
Mean - The sum of the set of numbers divided by the number of elements in the set.

- A measure of central tendency that divides a set of data points in half when ordered from smallest to greatest. The median of a finite list of numbers can be found by arranging all the data points from lowest value to highest value and picking the middle one. If there is an even number of data points, one must take the mean of the two middle values.

Mode - The number or object that appears most frequently in a set of numbers or objects.

Probability - The chance of an event occurring. The probability of an event is equal to the number of favorable outcomes divided by the number of possible outcomes.

Odds - The ratio of favorable outcomes to unfavorable outcomes.

Discount - An amount that is subtracted from the regular price of an item.

Before Viewing
After Viewing
Extended Activities
Web Quests
Math Standards
The Amazing Chase Changing Spaces Elimidata Fear Fraction The Simplified Life Business Makeover Survival The Ohiobournes
  Business Makeover  

Welcome to Surprise Attack: Business Makeover!

Everyone likes a bargain, but sometimes it's not clear which item is the better deal. Test your math skills and save some money!

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  1. Review the vocabulary
  2. Answer questions in "Before Viewing"
  3. Watch the video
  4. Answer questions in "After Viewing"
  5. Practice your skills in "Extended Activities"
  6. Have fun with Web Quests



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