
Absolute Value - A number's distance from zero on the number line. The absolute value of a number is denoted by vertical lines before and after it. For example: |8|, which is read as "the absolute value of 8."

Exponent - In an expression of the form x to the n power (xn), the exponent is n. An exponent indicates how many times the number to its left (the base) is to be used as a factor. 54 is read as "five to the fourth power" and means 5 x 5 x 5 x 5.

Scientific Notation - A form of writing numbers as the product of a decimal number greater than or equal to 1 and less than 10 and a power of 10. Using scientific notation, 43, 500 would be written 4.35 x 104.

Square Root - One of two identical factors of a number. Symbol: √. Example: √25 = 5 because 5 x 5 = 25.

Before Viewing
After Viewing
Extended Activities
Web Quests
Math Standards
The Amazing Chase Changing Spaces Elimidata Fear Fraction The Simplified Life Business Makeover Survival The Ohiobournes
  The Simplified Life  

Welcome to The Simplified Life!

As Barcelona and Michelle can tell you, it's hard to be rich, pretty, and popular. It's a good thing these not-so-simple-minded girls are comfortable with mathematical operations! Without their knowledge of multiplication, square roots, scientific notation, and absolute values, the school day would not be very "hot."

At any time in the program, you can skip or repeat sections. The program is designed for you to follow this navigational route:

  1. Review the vocabulary
  2. Answer questions in "Before Viewing"
  3. Watch the video
  4. Answer questions in "After Viewing"
  5. Practice your skills in "Extended Activities"
  6. Have fun with Web Quests


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