Athens High School Matrix Submits 9-11-01 Memories
< < Back toThe editors and writers of the Athens High School student-run newspaper, Matrix, submitted their memories of 9-11-01.
Many of the storytellers were in kindergarten or elementary school at the time and offer a unique, early memory. They shared the stories "so that student perspectives can also be included," their editors explained in an e-mail to WOUB news.
Below are a selection of their stories. For a complete compilation, click the file at the bottom of the story.
Meelim Lee, Matrix Co-Chief Editor: At the time, I attended an elementary school on the West Coast. Because of the time zone difference, both planes had already hit the towers by the time I came to school. Shortly after everyone in our class arrived, our teachers suddenly gave us an extra recess. No one asked for reasons even though the teachers seemed upset; we just went outside and enjoyed the extra play time. Then, when I walked back into the classroom, I remember seeing the image of the two towers smoking on a small TV screen. The rest of the day remains a blur. I spent most of the day confused, trying to comprehend the events that had just taken place. The only clear image of that day I carry with me is the image of the towers on that small TV screen in my second grade classroom.
Erika Williams, Matrix Photo Editor: I remember being in the West Elementary cafeteria and they wouldn’t let us out for recess. Everyone was saying that it was due to the heat, but when I got home my mom told me what really happened.
Lauren Pach, Matrix Co-Chief Editor: I was in second grade at River Valley Community School in Athens, Ohio. We were having our daily “Morning Meeting,” when our student teacher called our teacher aside. Our teacher’s face fell as the two of them talked at the side of the classroom. We all knew something was wrong, and we began to ask our teacher what was going on. Though reluctant at first, she explained, “Some planes hit a building.” We kept pressing her to give us more information, and we found out that the buildings were the Twin Towers. We were confused, upset and eager for more information. We stayed in school the whole day, but did not go outside for recess. When my student teacher got back from her lunch break that day, I asked her if anything had changed and she replied, “They’re gone.” I couldn’t believe my ears. When I got home that day I ran up to my mom and just cried. My reaction demonstrated the awfulness of that day. Even as a second grader, I was devastated. I spent the next week constantly watching the news and trying to make sense of a senseless situation.
Even though the World Trade Center Attacks happened ten years ago, every time I see a video or a picture of a plane hitting one of the buildings, I am just as devastated as the first time I saw it. As one of the last generations to remember September 11, 2001, we must carry the memories with us and help our nation to remember as well.
Holly Li, Matrix News/Opinion Editor: All I remember was watching the Twin Towers fall on the TV and jumping up and down on the living room table in anger of the ‘bad people.’