OU To Install Surveillance Cameras In Residence Halls
By: Steffany Hiett
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Ohio University officials are working with the OU Police Department to install surveillance cameras in residence halls on campus.
The university tested the operation this year in the student dorm Voigt Hall.
The school intends to install the cameras at the entrance and lobbies of all residence halls over the next ten years.
Josh Bodnar, assistant director of residential housing at OU, said the project is the next natural step for the university.
We did some research and began looking at what some of the other schools in the state are doing, and most of the residential campuses either have a program that's similar, which focuses on the access points of buildings, which is what we're looking at," he said. "Some of the more urban schools actually have cameras in more locations than what we're looking at, so as we we're looking at our colleagues around the state, we were a little behind other campuses in exploring that technology."
Bodnar said the new technology will compare a person's face to the photo on their student ID card when they use their card to enter their building.
The university hopes this will keep unwanted visitors out of the residence halls.
Bodnar said all surveillance video will be stored for reference if a problem is reported to police.
The university must wait for final approval from OU's Vice President for financing before they can begin the surveillance project.