Trial Of Alleged Craigslist Killer Enters Second Week Of Testimony
By: Associated Press
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Prosecutors are working to link an Ohio man to his teenage co-defendant and to victims allegedly lured to their deaths by Craigslist ads offering employment.
Prosecutors in an Akron courtroom presented computer and other evidence Monday to strengthen their case against Richard Beasley, 53. The trial is in its second week.
Witnesses testified about emails between Beasley and some of the victims and a Facebook photo of Beasley with co-defendant Brogan Rafferty.
The 17-year-old Rafferty was tried separately, convicted and sentenced to life in prison. He has agreed to testify against Beasley, who is accused of killing three men lured by the Craigslist ads.
Beasley has pleaded not guilty to aggravated murder and kidnapping charges. He could face the death penalty if convicted.