Summer Youth Employment Program Begins In Washington County
By: WOUB Contributing Writer
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School's almost out for summer and the State of Ohio wants to help teens find that perfect job.
The Washington County Department of Job and Family Services has a Youth Services Program.
They help teens land a great summer job, ranging from lifegaurding to counseling.
There are opportunities for kids of all abilities.
And they sign the paycheck as well.
The department says it's a win for the business.
But the main goal is helping teens gain some real life experience.
"It gives the kid sense of responsibility. Having money in the pocket- now I can go out and do something instead of asking mom and dad for it. I can provide gas for my car, buy my own clothes, have some money left over for school and, it keeps the youth busy through the summertime," says Tom Ballengee, director of the agency in Marietta.
Jobs begin in June and end when school starts up again.
The program's geared to help lower income families.
They have to be 200 percent below the federal poverty line.
More than 80 teens have already signed up.
The agency says they're hoping to help at least 40 more teens find employment this summer.
This article contributed by WTAP Television in Parkersburg