Ohio University Percussion Program Heads To Zanesville
< < Back toOhio University Zanesville faculty, staff and students invite the community to attend a free concert Ohio University Zanesville on Thursday, Oct. 20, at 7:30 p.m.
The Ohio University Athens percussion program will present concert of music for Percussion Ensemble, Ugandan Embaire Xylophone, and Jazz Percussion Ensemble featuring a diverse array of music for percussion instruments from around the world.
Under the direction of Professor Roger Braun, the Ohio University 2017-2019 Presidential Teacher, The Percussion Ensemble will perform works from the contemporary percussion repertoire including Gravity by Mark Mellits and A Terrible Beauty by Roger Braun.
The Embaire Ensemble will present traditional music by the Busoga people of Uganda on a giant 21-key xylophone, one of only three embaires in the U.S., played simultaneously by eight players seated on both sides of the instrument. The instrument was constructed specifically for Ohio University by the Nakibembe Xylophone Group of Uganda.
In addition a Jazz Percussion Ensemble will perform arrangements that feature jazz improvisation and creativity created specifically for the group by Braun and student members.
The free concert is sponsored by the Ohio University Zanesville Cultural Committee and will take place on Thursday, Oct. 20, in the Elson Hall Auditorium at Ohio University Zanesville on Newark Road.