Affordable Care Act Enrollment in WV Down This Year
By: Associated Press
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CHARLESTON, W.Va. (AP) – Enrollment plans in West Virginia through the federal online health insurance marketplace has declined again this year.
Citing the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, the Charleston Gazette-Mail reports about 22,600 West Virginia residents signed up for a 2019 plan on Individuals can buy Affordable Care Act-compliant health insurance plans through the website.
Last year, around 27,400 West Virginians signed up for plans. In 2017, the enrollment number for the state was around 34,040.
West Virginians for Affordable Health Care Executive Director Chantal Fields says one reason for the decline may be residents moving from ACA plans onto Medicaid and Medicare rolls.
Beginning with 2019 plans, individuals will no longer pay a penalty on their income taxes if they don’t have health insurance.