Piano Works Showcasing Art of Jefferson Airplane’s Robert Harvey
By: Emily Votaw
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Through December 28, 2019, the Piano Works Gallery (48 West Main Street, Logan, OH) will showcase Time Travel: Poetry, Art, Music, and Memories from the ’60s, an exhibition by Robert Harvey, who was the founding bass player for psychedelic rock giants Jefferson Airplane.
Since 1963, Harvey has been writing a poem and drawing an accompanying illustration for each in his daily journal, and upon recently going through the many hundreds of works he has accumulated, the musician decided it was time to showcase his work or get rid of it. Luckily for the rest of us, he decided to clean them up and create lithographs of his creations, and several of his works make up the Time Travel exhibition that is currently on display at the Piano Works Gallery.
As a special event associated with the exhibition, Harvey will perform in the Appalachian Listening Room with Randy Gleason on Saturday, November 23. The show will be opened by Peyton Wallace and Jesse James Russell, and start at 7:30 p.m.
WOUB spoke to Harvey about the exhibition, the early days of Jefferson Airplane, and more, in the interview embedded above.