
Athens County Courthouse
Athens County Courthouse [WOUB File Photo]

Athens County Government Closed to Public Traffic; Some Employees Working From Home

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(UPDATE 3/17 at 4 p.m.)

As a result of the Athens City/County Health Department Directive, the Athens County Administrative Offices will be closed to walk in public traffic until further notice effective 3/18/20.

This includes the Auditor, Board of Commissioners, Board of Elections, Recorder, and the Treasurer, according to a release from the county. These offices will be providing essential services only. You can access these offices by phone, e-mail or on the web.

There are drop boxes available in the first floor lobby for you to leave payments and other documents that need to be filed or processed by these departments. There is a phone and a directory in the lobby if you need to speak with one of the offices in person.

Athens County Planner is closed to the public. You can access the planner’s office by phone.

“We appreciate you understanding as we work to continue to provide you the essential services as required by law while being concerned about the health and welfare of you and our employees during this crisis,” the statement read. “We will continue to provide updates as things continue to change.”



ATHENS, Ohio (WOUB) — As the Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak continues, Athens County government remains open at the present time. However, some offices have made changes to their daily operations to protect employees against exposure, and some employees may opt to work from home.

According to a news release, county officials say as the pandemic circumstances change, they will monitor instructions from local, state and national authorities concerning operations and inform citizens of any changes to the county’s approach to providing services.

Here is the list of operations as of Monday 3/16 at 3:00 p.m.

  • Athens County 911 Operations are normal with the exception that the administrative offices are closed to the public.  If you need records you can access the office through the phone or email.
  • Athens County Auditor is operating normally.
  • Athens County Board of Commissioners is operating normally.
  • Athens County Board of Elections is operating normally.
  • Athens County Clerk of Courts is operating normally.  There is a lock box available near the security check point of the Courthouse to drop off checks or money orders restitution, court costs, Ace or diversion payments.  There is an online option as well.  The office is encouraging use of e-filing for legal documents.
  • Athens County Common Pleas Court will remain in operation during normal business hours throughout the duration of the emergency, as will the Clerk of Court’s Office.  However, efforts are being taken to minimize the necessity of persons to visit the courthouse during this emergency.  The Athens County Grand Jury is suspended until further Order of the Court.  Grand jurors are not to report for the previously scheduled session on March 23.  Grand jurors will be contacted directly by the Court in the event that they need to appear at a later date.  No jurors will be summoned to Court, nor will any jury trials be held.  All scheduled in-person hearings in the General and Domestic Relations Divisions will be CONTINUED.  Persons with court dates prior to April 1 should not report to Court.  Hearings will be rescheduled.  Some hearings may be held by telephone and will be arranged on a case-by-case basis.  Those persons represented by counsel should call their attorneys.  Persons summoned to appear for Arraignments on Wednesday, March 25, should not report to Court.  Instead, plan to appear on Wednesday, April 1, unless otherwise advised by the Court or counsel.   Any persons with business before the Court who are represented by counsel should contact their attorneys for further guidance regarding scheduling.
  • Athens County Children’s Services is operating on an essential services only model.
  • Athens County Coroner’s Office is operating normally.
  • Athens County Department of Jobs and Family Services Offices are closed to the public.  Access the services at the department of DJFS or the Ohio Means Jobs center via phone or online at Documents can be dropped off at the drop box located near the entrance of the buildings.  Foodbox distribution will continue from the County Home.
  • Athens County Board of Developmental Disabilities including Beacon School, PersonnelPlus, Integrate Athens, Early Intervention, and the Service & Support Administration office will all be closed to all (staff and general public). All staff will be working and available, just from remote locations.  All calls to all locations with be answered as the phone lines will ring to remote locations (staff designated at home) during normal business hours and assistance will be provided as usual. They will also be using our 24-hour on call line as well. They will continue with their planned breakfast/lunch delivery program to those in need from Beacon (thanks so much to our cook, drivers, and everyone making this program happen).
  • Athens County EMS administrative offices are closed to the public but able to be contacted by phone.  Stations are closed but able to be accessed by knocking, with operations running normally.
  • Athens County Engineer’s Office is closed to the public.  Please access the office by telephone or email.  Land Surveyors may submit surveys to Brandon Williams and/or Donnie Stevens for closure check and review via email at the following: or
  • Athens County Health Department is operating on an essential services only model.
  • Athens County Juvenile/Probate Court is operating normally.
  • Athens County Law Library is operating normally.
  • Athens County Recorder will remain open for essential services such as recording documents and to allow access for title examiners and attorneys to perform title searches.  We ask that non-essential services such as genealogical research and routine inquiries be postponed until a later date.  Documents recorded from January 1, 1981 to current day are available online at with images available that can be viewed and printed from that site.  The COVID-19 situation is being closely monitored by County officials, and office hours and availability may be reduced as new precautions are implemented.
  • Athens County Records Center is closed to the public.  You can access the center by phone.
  • Athens County Prosecutor’s Office is limiting in person contact.  If you are in need of service call 740-592-3208 or send an email
  • Athens County Sheriff is closed to the public.  If you wish to file a report, please call 740-593-6633 and select the appropriate option. For the immediate future, we will encourage non-emergency reports be filed via phone. They will continue to respond to all EMERGENCY calls as normal. They WILL NOT BE PROCESSING BACKGROUND CHECKS OR CONCEALED CARRY APPLICATIONS UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE. If you have further questions regarding the administrative processes of the Sheriff’s Office, please contact Brynne Morris at 740-566-4300 or
  • Athens County Title Office will be open from 10am to 2 pm Monday through Friday and closed on Saturday.
  • Athens County Treasurer is operating normally.
  • Athens County Water and Sewer District Offices are closed to the public.  Please use the drive thru, drop box or walk up for payments.  Other services are available by phone.