A Very Radio Free Athens Christmas
< < Back toThis week the Radio Free Athens crew is proud to present our holidaze playlists. Like the crew and the show the playlists that we have put together are eclectic to say the least. From the serious to the sublime, the absurd to the classics that will remind you of holidaze past, you will find a genre or style that will fill your stocking with glee. We hope that you have a festive holiday season, no matter what and how you celebrate. Be safe. We will be taking a break from posting playlists until the new year. We hope you will look for us again the weekend of January 8th.
From R@T
The holidaze are not going to be the same this year because of the pandemic and for me that is not all bad. While I will miss seeing my family this will be the first time in at least the last decade, if not most of my adult life, that I will not spend more time in my car than any place to where I am driving. I am looking forward to being at home, starting the day off with mimosas and perhaps not getting out of my cozy pants. If I spend most of my day eating and playing with legos that will be fine with me. This is a long list, but could have been longer. I hope that it does not get me a lump of coal in my stocking and that you will enjoy it at your responsibly safe party, trimming the tree or snuggling with someone or something under the mistletoe. You stay safe and sexy A-Camp. Peace to you all and we will see you in the new year.
From Michael T.
Back in ’81, a mutual friend desiring an alternative to the bland holiday fare pouring from their radio asked the late, great Mr. Mark Klee and me to put together a Christmas mixtape. The songs on this list are what became an annual update of that tape.
Astute listeners might recognize which selections were his, and which are mine with some surprises – ‘Christmas Waltz’ from Chillicothe’s own Nancy Wilson was his, as was Jethro Tull’s ‘Christmas Song’.
Please enjoy the music over the holidays, stay safe, be kind, and thanks as always for listening.
From DJ Grumpy Grandma
It would be a frozen moment just around Christmas
When all of mankind reveals its truest potential
And there is sympathy for the suffering
Yes, there is sympathy for those who are suffering
Instead of power and fear
And as sure as I’m standing here
I swear it really does appear that a change comes over us
Yes, some kind of change comes over us