
Up to $10,000 will be Matched During WOUB Radio Pledge Drive
< < Back toThe drive will be held Tuesday – Friday
ATHENS, OH – Thanks to the generosity of our current members, WOUB Public Media is offering up to $10,000 of matching money during its Spring Radio Pledge Drive next week. WOUB supporters donated the matching funds because they know how important the reliable, accurate information provided by public radio is during these trying times, and they want to encourage others to support WOUB by becoming a member with the opportunity to double their impact.
“We can’t thank the donors who contributed to our matching fund enough,” said WOUB General Manager Mark Brewer. “Over the past year, public media has been vital, and our donors realize the value of reliable, accurate, factual news and information now more than ever. The matching fund is a great opportunity for those who decide to become members for the first time to support the work of public media and have a bigger impact because their gifts will be matched dollar for dollar.”
The matching dollars will be used to match contributions from new sustaining members and current members who become sustaining monthly donors.
“We know that the Coronavirus pandemic and all the events since brought many people to WOUB for the first time,” said WOUB General Manager Mark Brewer. “They started listening for the news and information and discovered our music and entertainment programming during the evenings and weekends to just take a break from it all. WOUB has an important role, and we’re asking those who have used our service this last year to consider supporting it during our Spring Radio Pledge Drive.”
The drive starts Tuesday, March 23 and runs through Sunday, March 28. Donors can make their pledge by calling or texting the word “GIVE” to 877-845-9600 or visiting and clicking the donate button.