About the Series
Teacher's Guide
Firdoze Bulbulia
Additional Links
OU National Resource Center for Africa
Ohio School Net
East Africa: TANZANIA 2

Suraj Khumbaita
(sir RAGH   kuhm BIGHT tuh)
Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania
12-year-old boy


Suraj lives with his mother and father. His father, of Indian heritage, is an accountant, a businessman, and owns several buses. His mother, of African heritage, works inside the home. Suraj attends the Dar Es Salaam Independent School and he likes art and sports. He enjoys computer games, watching sports on TV, and helping his mother cook. He plans to take his studies seriously as did his father.

Viewers learn about Suraj's soccer and swimming teams and see him learning about woodcarving from a local artist. The family ends each day with prayer.


Episodes - Teacher's Guide - Firdoze Bulbulia
Additional Links - Ohio School Net - ETSEO
Ohio University National Resource Center for Africa