About the Series
Teacher's Guide
Firdoze Bulbulia
Additional Links
OU National Resource Center for Africa
Ohio School Net
West Africa: NIGERIA 2

Rosemary Okudo
(ROSE mare ee   uh KUH doe)
Obosi, Nigeria
9-year-old girl


Rosemary lives with her parents and siblings. Both of her parents are teachers. Her television viewing is limited to cartoons and childrens shows. The family ends their day with Bible study.

She attends a mission school and her day there begins with prayer and singing. The boys in the class can be noisy. Rosemary wants to take the home economics classes her mother teaches so that she will be able to cook and make things for her husband and family when she grows up.

Rosemary takes us to her grandmother's home, the local stream to get water, a Kola nut ceremony conducted by her father, the local markets, and to get her hair braided.


Episodes - Teacher's Guide - Firdoze Bulbulia
Additional Links - Ohio School Net - ETSEO
Ohio University National Resource Center for Africa