Southeast Ohio Rallies at 9-11 Service
By: Michael Locklear
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Rain didn't stop about a hundred people from turning out to a 9-11 memorial service at the Nelsonville Public Square.
"I thought the weather for today was poetic," says Athens resident Catherine Russell. "I mean, it's a day of remembrance, and I remember when I was growing up, my mom always said that anytime it rains, a soul's being accepted into heaven, so with this being the 10-year anniversary of so many people lost, I thought it was very poetic."
About half a dozen speakers shared their thoughts on the 10th anniversary of the September 11 terrorist attacks.
Jerry Philcox, a New York City firefighter, was the special guest speaker.
"Since 9-11-2001, many changes have taken place to ensure that nothing like the events of 10 years ago happen again," says speaker Kurt Nunnally, commander of the Nelsonville American Legion. "We will continue to preserve, protect, and defend because we live in the greatest country in the world, the United States of America."
Russell says it's incredible that people in some areas have already forgotten the attacks but she's glad that's not the case in Nelsonville.
"I think it's good to see that people still have some patriotism left in their hearts. It's good to know that people here — even though we're not in the middle of New York or working for the Pentagon or on a flight to Pennsylvania — that people here still care. We're still one nation, we're still united, and that's what's really important."
Nelsonville resident Ibby Martin says she enjoyed the ceremony but had mixed feelings as she listened.
"I'm saddened for the loss," Martin says, "and I'm saddened for the families who lost their loved ones. I also have good feelings, and I think we've shown that as a nation, we're strong and we're not going to back down."