11 Southeast Ohio Communities Receive Housing Grant Money
< < Back to 11-southeast-ohio-communities-receive-housing-grant-moneyThe Ohio Department of Development awarded nearly $35 million in grant money to 71 eligible communities across the state of Ohio today.
Eleven southeast Ohio counties received more than $5 million for housing-related activities, including infrastructure improvements. The money is part of the Community Housing Improvement Program, which is run by the Office of Housing and Community Partnerships.
The grant money is intended for improving housing conditions and providing housing options to low- and moderate-income persons.
The countines and communities in the region include:
Athens County (City of Athens) $522,400
Coshocton (Coshocton County) $500,000
Gallia (Gallia County) $500,000
Guernsey County (City of Cambridge) $544,000 AND (Guernsey County) $500,000
Hocking (City of Logan) $520,000
Jackson (City of Jackson) $500,000
Monroe (Monroe County) $500,000
Noble (Noble County) $522,000
Pike (Pike County) $500,000
Washington (City of Marietta) $250,000