A Family Tree with Plenty of Branches
By: Nick Hurst
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Six children, all boys and all play football, a household setting that could a drive mother and father crazy, however, Ron and Terry Branch wouldn’t have it any other way. Their first child Ron Branch Jr., a 1994 graduate, was an offensive and defensive lineman at St. Mary’s High School. Keithen Branch a 1999 graduate, than followed as the second Branch to play at St. Mary’s.
The brother’s father who is a pastor, made a decision soon after Keithen graduated to take the pastor job at Faith Baptist Church in Mason, West Virginia. From that point on, the rest of the Branch brothers would play at Wahama High School. The third Branch brother, Eran, was the only Branch to make the transition from playing at St. Mary’s High School to playing at Wahama High School. In 2002, a family tragedy brought the Branch family closer together when Eran was killed in car accident. The boys credit their father as the one that kept the family from breaking when times got rough. The fourth brother, Jeshua, become the first Branch brother to play his entire varsity career at Wahama High School. Jeshua graduated in 2005.
The two youngest, Micaiah and Jamin Branch, followed as the second set of Branch brothers to play together. Eran and Keithen were the first both playing together at St. Mary’s. However, Ron and Terry might have saved the best for last because Jamin’s White Falcons went all the way to a to class A state championship game and finished runner up last year. Jamin much like his oldest brother is an offensive and defensive lineman. Jamin is in his senior year this season and Wahama is yet again having a tremendous season. Jamin is hopeful that the team can bring home the state title this season.
To watch the story that aired on the October 21 episode of Gridiron Glory, go to