City Council Adopts Ordinances
< < Back to city-council-adopts-ordinancesSeveral ordinances were adopted at the Athens City Council meeting last night that strive to improve the county.
Everything from bike racks to information systems were discussed, and council members suspended the rules to many of these ordinances so that they could be passed quickly.
Ordinance 0-100-11 will allow the city engineer to hire firms to do wastewater improvements.
Members were slightly apprehensive because of the high costs, but Council Member Nancy Bain made points to argue for the adoption of this ordinance.
Member Jim Sands explained that the Council’s computer system was damaged in a lightning storm and that a new ordinance would quickly fix it.
This upgrade will repair whatever damages had been incurred and would also allow a bigger bandwidth.
This will not cause any changes to the City Council’s current website.
Another topic covered at the meeting was an increased need for bicycle parking.
Athens has become a very bike user-friendly town, especially with new improvements in bike paths and now the potential of parking spaces.
“Most businesses are receptive to adding bike racks,” says Athens Mayor Paul Wiehl. “This is just an option, but it’s a starting point.”