Wood Co. Schools Not Backing Down On Single-Gender Classes
By: Joe Jackson
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The Wood County School district isn't backing down from a threat to end its single-gender classes at one of its middle schools.
The American Civil Liberties Union of West Virginia recently said it would sue if the district didn't get rid of the of single-gender class program.
Superintendent Pat Law says the ACLU could see no positive results from the Van Devender Middle School program.
Law says it is hard to prove the program's effectiveness considering that it has only been in place for two years.
"Normally, if you're putting any kind of program in place, it could take from three to five years to really begin to see your true results," said Law.
Law says the program was set up to improve the test scores of Van Devender students who have historically struggled with grades.
The school received federal money to start a new program to help the students and Law says the school district will not end the program willingly.
"We feel the school has done everything they were asked to do. They put the program in place, followed the guidelines, and simply because an outside group indicates that they don't like the program, we don't feel that is the right thing for students to do. Otherwise, we would be constantly fighting battles with outside groups that are trying to push their agenda," said Law.
Law says that they would prefer to stay out of court and avoid taking money away from their students.
The ACLU has said litigation is a possibility.