Fair Food Fix!
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Horse pulls, modified and stock tractor pulls, competition-races-pageants, local talent-big name entertainment, cotton candy-funnel cakes-fries-lemonade-sandwiches of every kind-bloomin’ onions, meeting new friends, catching up with folks you’ve known forever…where are we? The sights, sounds and aromas of fairs, festivals and carnivals are all around us, and, so many to choose from.
I am quite the fair-goer, but, there are many that are not. However, when the topic of fair food is mentioned people’s faces become illuminated; they rub their hands together, lick their lips, smile and divulge what their fair food vice is! To complement the vice, is often a treasured story from the past.
At a fair I attended recently the customer in front of me ordered a fried Twinkie for the first time and it became a topic of conversation between us. He nostalgically shared that his mother packed a Twinkie in his lunch box every day for school and now he was intrigued by the food vendor’s offer. It is good for us all that fair food fixes only happen annually, but, the memories are with us for a lifetime.
Food brings us together, it comforts and it delights the taste buds. My four-year-old asked if he could have a bag of cotton candy to share with his friends and as I walked the grounds with little blue-faced kiddos I realized that new memories were being made.
We are so fortunate that our tri-state area is abundant and rich in festivities. Whether you stay local or enjoy traveling out-of-town…enjoy your FAIR FOOD FIX!