OU Student Transfers Domain To Romney Campaign
By: Michael Locklear
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An Ohio University student who snapped up a handful of domains related to the Republican presidential ticket has transferred one of the sites to Mitt Romney's campaign.
Sophomore Matt McKnight says could become the vice presidential candidate's main website.
McKnight's a Romney-Ryan supporter.
He says he bought a total of four domains Friday night.
"I got on there to see what domains were available," McKnight said, "and I was kind of surprised to see that all of those were still available, so I went ahead and bought them. I wanted to make sure especially that they didn't get into the hands of someone who would use them for purposes against the campaign."
McKnight says he transferred to the campaign Wednesday morning.
He also bought one named after the Congressman's wife,
McKnight says that one has become something of a fan page with campaign information.
He says the Janna Ryan site has also gotten a lot of traffic and national media attention.
The two other domains are and, but he doesn't have any plans for those.
McKnight spent about 50 bucks for the domains but didn't charge the Romney campaign for the transfer.
In return, he's been offered VIP access to an event to meet the two candidates.