
Athens Farmer Doing Ok Despite Some Bad Weather

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While more Ohio counties are getting disaster area declarations because of drought and heat, Athens is not among those hit hard.

As a matter of fact, farmer Kelly Abfall of Albany says for him it's shaping up as "a pretty decent year."

Still, Abfall says the harsh weather will likely hurt his corn yield.

"We're going to have some corn that's probably not too far off what it would be in a normal year," says Abfall, "and we're going to have some corn that's not that good."

Abfall says recent rains came at a good time for his soybeans and he's predicting an okay crop.

The crop most adversely affected for Abfall is hay.

"During July when it was so hot and dry the grass just was not doing anything," he says.

Abfall says some areas locally have had more rainfall than other but as far as he's concerned Athens County is not in a drought.

A total of 10 Ohio counties have been designated as primary natural disaster areas because of drought and heat.