Innovation Center Helps Build Young Businesses
< < Back to innovation-center-helps-build-young-businessesThe Innovation Center at Ohio University is helping to build businesses within the region.
The center just wrapped up a 10 week boot camp for young businesses.
Director of the Innovation Center Jennifer Simon says the program concentrated on developing entrepreneurs.
"We really saw the need, that because of the great programs that are already happening at the University, that as young entrepreneurs were developing that we needed to capture that talent and be able to help them build businesses and stay within the region," says Simon.
Tech Growth Ohio, the Center for Entrepreneurship, the Innovation Center, the College of Communication, and several other groups started the partner-driven program.
Simon says the program made for a busy summer.
"Each week we had two different speakers that were either entrepreneurs or educators in entrepreneurship and so it was really a full packed summer for the people that participated," says Simon.
According to Simon, there was even a team from Columbus that moved to Athens for the summer to participate.
Simon says the boot camp could possibly make a return in the future.