OU Celebrates The 20-Year Partnership With A German University
By: Yingchi Wei
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Ohio University and the University of Leipzig have renewed a Memorandum of Understanding in celebration of their 20-year partnership.
The Memorandum was originally signed on June 23, 1994. It aims to ensure that students and faculty at both universities are prepared for the challenge and opportunities of an increasingly unified world.
University of Leipzig President Beate Schucking arrived in Athens on Sunday for this celebration.
Nearly 100 students and faculty who have been involvd in Leipzig gathered in the Multicultural Center to witness the signing.
OU President Roderck McDavis says, "This relationship has been very productive and greatly benefited our students and faculty."
Since 2000, the Ohio-Leipzig European Center has provided OU's sophomores and juniors the chance to study the arts and sciences, as well as German language, at a historic European university.
Up to now, more than 500 students from OU and Leipzig have participated in the program.
OU Executive Vice President and Provost Pam Benoit says this partnership has offered unique academic opportunities to many students and faculty.