
Athens Opens TVC-Ohio Play With A Bang

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The Athens-Wellston game fell on Athens' Homecoming tonight but Wellstone was rarely given a chance to dance on the field. Athens stayed strong on their home turf and never let Wellston score until the bitter end of the game. This strong play was apparent all night with Athens just dominating the field, scoring touchdown after touchdown. The Bulldogs won by a score of 54-8.

The game started with an early touchdown by Athen's wide receiver Adam Luehrman. Luehrman went on to score yet another touchdown within minutes of his first. This brought the score to 13-0. However, the Bulldogs' command of the field did not end there. Running back Trae Williams added six more points to the scoreboard and the score went up to 21-0 after a two point conversion.

The second quarter brought even more scoring opportunities for the Athens Bulldogs. Wide Receiver Tyler McIntosh scored two touchdowns, the first he accomplished with an amazing one handed catch in the end zone. The fantastic play from Athens didn't end there. Throughout the game, Joey Burrow threw six touchdowns and 15 completed passes out of 19 attempted. Trae Williams also had a stellar game, in addition to his touchdown, he carried the ball 13 times for 99 yards.

While Wellston did not contribute many points to the scoreboard, they did their best to hold off Athens on the field. As a team they had 41 carries for 162 yards and two completed passes for 17 yards bringing their yardage total to 189 yards. Noah Massie scored the lone touchdown for Wellston and had 14 rushes for 89 total yards.

All in all it was just Athens' night for football. The team can hang up their helmets tonight and walk into their homecoming dance tomorrow as winners.