
Buckeye Joint Vocational School Seeks Replacement Levy

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A tax levy for the Buckeye Joint Vocational School will go before voters this November.

If passed, the 1.8 mills replacement levy would be in place for 10 years to support the district, which includes parts of Tuscawaras, Carol, and East Holmes counties.
District superintendent Roger Bond says the levy is for general expenses such as electric and gas bills, faculty wages and supplies for students and teachers.
Bond says the levy will not just benefit students.
The Buckeye Joint Vocational School helps juniors, seniors and adults train for jobs.
"We can provide a lot of opportunities, not just for school kids, but we also do adult education and we really want our people working on the jobs that will be created in the area," says Bond.
Bond says the center is a training area for the jobs the possibility of oil and gas expansion would create in the region.
If the levy passes, it will replace the current 1.3 mills levy.