
Homecoming 2012: Inside the Marching 110

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It's the billed as the most exciting band in the land.  

Ohio University's Marching 110 has been one of the major attraction at the school's events through the years, and they make it look easy.

But the fun on the field comes only after lots of hard work.

Recently the already acclaimed Marching 110 gained nationwide praise for its performance of Psy's "Gangman Style", dance moves included.  

Band Director Dr. Richard Suk says the hip song choices and movements are what makes this band stand out, "I wouldn't say we started it but I definitely think we were at the forefront of it. We did it before a lot of people did, and I think that's one of the things that has made us unique over the years."

The band's always unique style certainly had an effect on trumpet player Keith Wilbur years ago. He knew he wanted to be a part of it the moment he saw them perform in high school.

"I remember my sophomore year of high school the 110 came to my high school, and they played and I'll never forget the intensity they had on the field when they did the UP. You could just hear it echo through the whole stadium. And I knew right then that I wanted to be in that band," said Wilbur.

But, while everyone enjoys the finished product, Wilbur says a lot of hard work goes into it beforehand, "I don't think a lot of people realize how much work we really do put in.  The class is typically one to two semester hours and we're out here on the practice field every day."     

For Dr. Suk, it's not the sounds of cheers from the stands, but the hard work of his students that keeps him marching on.

"It's their intensity and passion for the product they want to produce. And I've seen that. I've been here for 17 years and over the years that's been the common denominator is that they want to be an excellent ensemble. And that shows in their work and preparation for performances," said Sook.