Judge Grants Provisional Ballot Request
By: Associated Press
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UPDATE 3:20 P.M. A federal judge has granted a request by a group of voter advocates to expand the conditions under which provisional ballots are counted in Ohio.
A federal judge is ready to hear arguments over proposed changes to how the state counts flawed provisional ballots.
A 2010 decree requires election officials to count provisional ballots that were improperly completed if the mistake was due to poll worker error.
An appeals court last week rejected the idea that poll workers are responsible for identifying mistakes.
A proper provisional ballot requires a voter's printed name, signature and identification, such as the last four digits of a Social Security number.
Republican Secretary of State Jon Husted has asked federal judge Algenon Marbley to eliminate the portion of the 2010 decree dealing with poll worker error.
Voter advocates say Husted is trying to get valid votes thrown out.
Marbley planned to hear arguments from both sides Wednesday morning.