Universal and Local Astronomical Developments
< < Back toOn this edition of Conversations from Studio B, the Studio B Astronomers discuss a number of topics, both universal and local.
The Southeast Ohio Astronomical Society will be hosting their very first star party December 21 at The Ridges in Athens. The Winter Solstice Star Party will feature a tour of The Ridges, a portable planetarium compliments of Hocking College, a talk entitled “The Star of Wonder” by Kathleen Covalt, a tour of the winter constellations with Tom O’Grady, “star crafts” for the kids, and a dozen telescopes for star gazing.
The Studio B Astronomers also discuss the Joint Police Advisory Committee looking at the dark areas around the City of Athens. The Southeast Ohio Astronomical Society is asking the City of Athens to keep lighting practical and as light-pollutant free as possible. Check out WOUB’s coverage of the issue here.
For more information on The Winter Solstice Star Party and the Southeast Ohio Astrological Society, visit www.athensastronomy.org