New Program Aids Unemployed Workers
By: Fred Kight
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A new program will offer paychecks, health benefits and job training to unemployed workers in Southeastern Ohio.
Approximately 115 unemployed adults will participate, or have already participated in a public works program Athens and Perry counties.
The program is administered by Hocking, Athens, Perry Community Action and the agency's Community Development Coordinator, Jessica Stroh.
"We couldn't be more excited about being a partner with all the agencies involved including our local Job and Family Services and the Work Station and all of the businesses," Stroh said.
Funding totals nearly 3 million dollars and comes from the U.S. Department of Labor.
Program participants are hired for 10 or 11 dollars an hour and are put to work doing disaster recovery projects.
Stroh says the prjects provide clean up and remediation from flooding that occurred in 2011 and the severe windstorm that hit the area this past summer.
The jobs are for six months and the long term goal is to help the participants find permanent employment.